Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's Christmas?!?!?!?

What? It's less than two weeks until Christmas and I am so unprepared this year. Yes, my tree is up and decorated, and Yes, I have gone Christmas shopping but in no way am I ready. Nope, I still haven't finished my shopping and haven't fixed any of my ususal holiday treats, Russian Tea or decorated cookies. So much to do and so little time. Next week will be a marathon week. All of the shopping must be done because the girls will be out of school starting the 21st. Time to plan and organize.
Last weekend we had our church's Christmas musical "The Innkeeper". It was great! There was a huge cast as well as adult and children choirs. Mary participated and did a great job. She is not afraid and stands on the front row and signs the songs. Beautiful! Olivia is performing with the choir this Sunday morning. They are using bells for one song and then singing the next. She will do great I'm sure.

Please check out the video below. And I ask you what is happening while YOU are sleeping?

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